ALL Marin FC teams are reconstituted each year through tryouts. Players new to the club have an equal chance to earn a roster spot and likewise returning players must tryout to retain their position or advance in the team structure. To learn more about our various teams click this link: Team Structure
We recommend attending as many sessions as possible but a minimum of two. If you anticipate you will miss one or more sessions, please inform the coaches at the sessions you do attend.
Our club code of conduct applies to all tryout participants and spectators. Parents are NOT permitted on the fields during tryout sessions.
If you have questions about tryouts or the soccer program please contact Technical Director Josh Kalkstein -
Under 8 (2017) through Under 14 (2011) tryouts have concluded. If you missed tryouts or new to the area please contact the coach for your age group.
Under 15 (2010) through Under 19 (2006/07) tryouts will take from May 21, 2024 to May 23, 2024
Always double check the tryout schedule in case there are any last minute changes or updates.
Players NEW to Marin FC MUST register in advance of tryouts by using the link below. Current/returning players (those registered with Marin FC for the '23-24' season) are automatically registered for tryouts and DO NOT need to register.
The list of head coaches for the 2024-25 teams can be found here: Coaching Slate
Marin FC values and empowers our coaches, you can read more about our coaching commitment here.
First and foremost, always double check the tryout schedule in case there are any last minute changes or updates.
Plan to arrive at the tryout field a minimum of 15-20 minutes prior to the scheduled start of each session. Check in at the club tent(s) at the field entry.
Wear appropriate training gear including shorts, cleats, and shinguards. Bring your own water and do not share it. DO NOT wear any identifying club jersey or other apparel. Instead, a white or mostly white tee shirt is required. The club will provide team training bibs for the session.
We will provide medical kits and necessary assistance to any participant in need. Simply make yourself known to the club personnel at the check-in tent(s).
Lastly, we specifically schedule sessions to ease congestion during the overlap times between the end of a session and the start of a following session. Please plan pick-ups and drop offs accordingly to make things flow smoothly for all.
Marin FC is committed to accepting players into the club regardless of financial situation. The Financial Aid program is entirely need based and we are projected to allocate about $230,000 in direct (team fee funds) and indirect (fee waivers) assistance to those players that earned a spot on one of our teams.
You may apply for assistance at any time and are encouraged to do so BEFORE tryouts so that when you make a team you will be able to act quickly with regard to preserving your spot. Final deadline for financial assistance is May 31, 2024. Only limited Financial Assistance is available after the initial registration period.
For more information and to apply, click here : Marin FC Financial Aid Program. Please note that this year, in addition to applying for aid by paper form submittal, you may also apply online.
After tryouts the slate of teams and team rosters (when selected) can be found here:
U15(2010) through U19 (2006/07) rosters will be posted by 8PM May 26, 2024
Players seeking further feedback about their tryout performance are encouraged to contact the coach for their age group.