Player registration

Welcome to Marin FC!

This page is for players who have accepted a spot on a Marin FC team, Congratulations! This is not for tryout registration.

Team 2024-2025 player registration is now open

To complete the registration process you will need the following information.

  • TeamSnap account (it will ask you to create one if you don't have one set-up already)
  • Player and Parent information
  • Physician and Medical Insurance information.
  • Birth Certificate
  • Photo of Player (jpg format not to exceed 2MB)
  • Credit card or bank account details for ACH transaction. (For offline payments please include player first name, last name, birth year and team.)

As part of the process you will be asked to review and acknowledge the following documents:

If you don't have all the information and document on-hand you can come back to the registration process any time as it will retain your information between sessions.

For financial assistance please review this page: Financial Aid
Fees are described here: Fees

Thank You, and if you have further questions please contact us at

For more information, contact