Program Overview
Marin FC is committed to accepting players into the club regardless of financial situation. The Financial Aid program is entirely need based. All recipients must apply and provide documentation of annual household income to verify their financial need.
For the coming season, we have budgeted an increase in aid with approx. $85,000 planned for indirect aid (reduced or waived club fees) and $150,000 in direct aid (funds provided to players for their team fees). Additionally the club provides aid recipients with uniform kits, and for travel outside of California, the club offers travel grants (a percentage of base airfare according to each player's need).
With need demonstrated, financial aid awards are calculated as a percentage of the scheduled fees. The maximum award granted is 90% of fees for those players in greatest need. Players and their gaurdians then enter into a contract with the club to pay monthly installments.
🚨 ALERT : As with all fees paid at Marin FC, scheduled collection amounts serve to fund the team activities and budgets and if excess revenue is collected, refunds are issued to the players when the team is closed out at the end of the season. This is true for financial aid recipients too. Refunds for these players are merely calculated with respect to the percentage of the aid award.
Should I Apply?
If you can demonstrate an annual household income level of less than $120,000, you should apply. While incomes this high may not qualify for much or any direct aid, the reductions in fees (indirect aid) can be granted and can be important savings.
YOU MAY APPLY AT ANY TIME and estimates will be provided upon a complete application. Final awards are subject to team selection, the overall pool of applicants and the available funds for aid.
As an estimate and guide, the calculator below will help you undertsand what kind of Financial Aid award and package you may qualify to recieve.

Financial Aid Process
There are three ways to apply for Financial Aid from Marin FC; English and Spanish versions of the paper application to be filled out and returned to the club by mail or drop off, and an online application which will require uploading of scanned or otherwise electronic copies of your income verification documentation.
Requests for Financial Aid are due by 6:00PM May 31. An application is considered complete when ALL requested information, including income verification, has been submitted by the due date. If a player seeking financial aid is added to the team after the initial registration period they must submit their financial aid application within 7 days of joining the team. Limited Financial Aid is available after the initial registration period.