This Month in Marin FC summarizes the month’s news and notes in a series of ‘high-level’ briefs from various club constituents.

In This Edition

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From the President

Evan Cross

With Thanks

The new year is off to a fantastic pace. The club has its new website up and running, alliance trainings have kicked off, and tryouts for our younger ages are right around the corner. I could not be more grateful to the board, volunteers, coaches and staff for all they do to make Marin FC the best it can be, and a frontrunner in the sport.

New Website

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to visit and get acquainted with our new look and feel. The site has deployed with a streamlined and more organized structure, and a few exciting new features and content. We will continue to ‘fill out’ the site in the next few months and make improvements as we go. Feedback is always welcome.

Alliance Trainings

After much planning, the Alliance Trainings program launched during a fortuitous break in the rain on Sunday, January 22nd. Approximately 85-100 young players came out from our parent clubs to challenge themselves, work on their skills, meet our coaches, and get to know potential future teammates. The second of these monthly sessions is planned for February 12th and with a strong start the promise to build momentum and gather more and more talented players shines bright.

Tryouts and Information Sessions

Our fields are booked, sessions scheduled and volunteers and staff are gathering to field the next wave of Marin FC players and teams. All the specifics, including the coaching slate can be found here: If you’d like a more personal opportunity to hear about the coming season, the club will be holding three informational sessions on February 7, 8, and 9. Exact times and locations can be found here:

Central Marin and Marin FC

As recently announced, Central Marin and Marin FC have agreed in principle to merge Central Marin’s operations with Marin FC’s. The club is thrilled by the support voiced by many in the club about the sensibility of this collaboration. A natural alignment between the two clubs has existed for many seasons, and the possible efficiencies of scale foresee savings and improved organizational resources, such as high quality field time for all players. This endeavor will take time, but many great people are working hard to ensure that this new endeavor offers the best opportunities for players throughout Marin. While there are many details to work out, we will continue to update you on the process, looking forward to the collaborative efforts of all parties involved.

And Lastly

The rains seem to have subsided and the high school season is approaching its crescendo. As always, we encourage you to play and spectate in a spirited fashion and embrace the beautiful game at this exciting time of year. Spring trainings, league play, and some of our national level tournaments are fast approaching … so hold on tight, the pace is about to quicken!

Evan Cross, President

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From the Director of Coaching

Josh Kalkstein

Here are a few highlights and news tidbits from the past month:

In High School Play

A good number of our older players continue to participate in high school soccer. It’s great to see so many step up into leadership roles and enjoy success ‘wearing another hat.’

On the Field

Our younger teams continued to go strong this past month. Our non-high school 02 girls and 02 red boys are all currently training and playing in winter league, and our 03’s and 04’s are capitalizing on opportunities to train and play. Our Academy boys’ teams are starting to ramp up again, playing friendlies and participating in a futsal event this weekend.

On the Alliance Front

This past weekend we ran our first Alliance training of the season. The weather thankfully cooperated and despite the date coinciding with Novato’s annual Jamboree, we saw good attendance from the Alliance community. Four staff coaches were on hand to run the sessions, including Kelly and I, and we saw great energy and lots of impressive young talent from the 03’s to 06’s.

Next Month

This is an exciting time as high school play continues and we see several of our teams return to the practice field.

– Josh Kalkstein, DOC

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In the Spotlight

kelly-coffeyThis month’s spotlight article features an interview with Kelly Coffey, Marin FC’s assistant DOC. Here’s what he had to say:

Thanks for taking time to do this today. I believe you’re in the middle of moving house?

We are. We’re moving from our apartment in Pacific Heights to my wife’s parents’ old house off San Pedro in San Rafael.

Must be nice to have a little more space and be closer to work?

It is. A lot changed last year which necessitated this move. I got married and welcomed a daughter in the same year, as well as added the assistant DOC role to my coaching commitments at Dominican, mid-year.

Tell our readers a little about your home life?

My wife is Michelle Barron, one of the original Central Marin Magic players that played for Ron Benjamin and Luis Quesada. She also played high school soccer at Marin Catholic. Our daughter’s name is Sienna. She’s already six months old. Time flies.

How long have you been Dominican’s head women’s soccer coach?

I took the job two years ago, this spring. It’s been a great experience thus far and we play in NCAA D2’s PAC WEST conference, which boasts schools from California, Hawaii and Utah. The level of competition is good and our new outdoor facilities rival any in the conference.

Kelly Coffey

How long have you been on Marin FC’s coaching slate?

I joined the club around 05/06 so it’s been about a decade.

What prompted the move to bring you on board as an assistant DOC?

When the club added U12 age groups on both the boys and girls side last year, it added a significant amount to Josh’s plate. So, to strengthen the club, the thought was that adding an assistant DOC to oversee the older players and coaches, specifically the U16s through U18/19s, would provide another set of eyes to manage a key age group within our growing population, while simultaneously giving Josh the opportunity to spend more time with the younger age group players and coaches and work on other club initiatives and efficiencies.

Do you also have a Marin FC team in addition to your Dominican women’s and assistant DOC responsibilities?

I do. I’m currently coaching the ‘00 girls blue.

When did your assistant DOC responsibilities begin?

I took the position last August so it’s been a bit of a whirlwind since. My start date coincided with the college season so my role won’t fully kick in until the end of high school season this winter.

What are your primary responsibilities?

My primary responsibilities include overseeing the older team players and coaches, helping with the college information and recruitment process, and assisting in matters pertaining to the annual coaching slate. That said, Josh has been great about bringing me into discussions on a wider range of topics that impact the entire club.

What do you hope to achieve during your time in the position?

I’d like to develop a defined club culture, one in which there’s open communication and exchange of ideas between age groups and red and blue teams. We have an incredibly talented coaching staff, perhaps the most qualified in Northern California, which leads to opportunities to share and consolidate curriculum, develop a preferred “style of play” and identify specific styles of player that do best in our system.

Those are lofty goals.

They are. But at root, while I’d love to see higher and greater success and accomplishments on the field in Northern California, the State and the country, for me it always comes back to the kids. We want to provide them with the very best quality coaching and a premier playing environment so they can reach whatever goals they set for themselves, be they at the high school, collegiate or professional level. We’re doing a good job of meeting those priorities now, but there’s always room to do better, get better and push the ceiling higher. What that looks like at the end is a more consistent process and repeatable, enjoyable and productive experience for all involved.

Anyone wishing to follow Kelley’s exploits at Dominican can do so here:
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From the Director of Development

Ian Tonks

Eloi Run

2017 Eloi Run announcements went out to our database this past month. Additionally, our 2017 Eloi Run website is live. Click here to visit our new homepage and to register to run or walk.

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  • Click Submit an Article
  • Enter your contact information and article summary.  Match the ID and submit

Edited posts will be added to our website homepage “latest news” section and posted on our Facebook page within 48 hours.  We encourage you to use this tool to keep all in the club informed re: individual and team accomplishments.  A big thanks to those of you that use it already.

– Ian Tonks, Director of Development