Marin FC is proud to partner with Raising the Bar, an alcohol and substance abuse awareness campaign born out of the Marin Prevention Network.
Raising the Bar aims to elevate kids’ youth-oriented program experience by changing current social norms around the consumption of alcohol and other substances. With their support, parents, program directors, and community members work together to promote healthy choices and keep youth events substance-free.
As a corollary, Marin County was recently ranked 47th of 58 California counties in excessive adult drinking. The Raising the Bar campaign is working diligently to change these social norms and reverse this concerning trend. To play our part, Marin FC is working with Raising the Bar to influence change in the competitive youth soccer community, supporting the healthy development of players as athletes, youths and young adults.
Marin FC fundamentally believes in Raising the Bar’s central premise of encouraging an alcohol and substance free environment for all sporting events and team celebrations. We ask and strongly encourage all Marin FC parents to ensure that all our events, from games to team parties, are alcohol-free. We ask all parents to be positive role models by showing we can have a good time without consuming alcohol or other substances.
For more information, please visit raisingthebarmarin.org. Thank you in advance for your support and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.